Basic Safeguarding
Why Safeguarding?
People are getting involved in Earlsfield Together because they care about our neighbours. Safeguarding helps us to do that better, to care for the most vulnerable in our communities, and to avoid accidentally putting them at risk.
What is Safeguarding?
Assessing risk
Taking precautions
Systems for reporting, review and accountability
Safeguarding is the mitigation of risk. Generally, it’s about risks that come from the interactions between people. There aren’t many truly horrible people out there but there are many people who don’t know the best way to care for each other.
Some key principles
Don’t share details of a situation or data beyond a very small group.
Details of problems or incidents can be shared streetwide, if the victim is OK with this - otherwise be general if you’re asking people to be aware of things learned after an issue.
Only share general information and lessons (no specific details) across the coordinators group.
Stay accountable - to your street co-coordinators, and to your street. Be honest with each other - and kind to each other in dealing with problems.
Act to prevent problems repeating: e.g. blocking people from whatsapp groups so they can no longer see information or contact people, or sharing information about risks that are appearing.
Be aware of unhelpful power dynamics emerging in your groups (e.g. if people are dominating conversations or being insensitive to others)